Facial Surgery

Benign and malignant swellings in the facial area are not only a medical issue but also an aesthetic problem due to their localisation. With a surgery it is important to respect as far as possible the aesthetic entities and skin lines. Any statement whether the points mentioned above apply to an affected patient can only be made following personal talks and thorough examinations.

OP-Dauer depends on localization and extent
Narkose local anesthetic or general anesthesia
Klinikaufenthalt ambulant
Gesellschaftsfähigkeit depends on localization and extent
Arbeitsfähigkeit depends on localization and extent

Plastische und Ästhetische Chirurgie Dr. med. Tilman Ferbert | Fischtorplatz 11 | 55116 Mainz | Phone: 06131 972650 | Mail: info@dr-ferbert.de